As stated on our About Us page, we are registered as a legal entity in both Iceland and Seattle, WA, USA. Here are the contact information and registration numbers for both entities. We can also be reached via social media in the header and the chatbot on this site. We have Slack and Teams and would be happy to federate with you on those and other platforms. Just send us an invite, and we’ll be happy to accept.
You can book a teams meeting with us here, and in person meeting here.
Öruggt Net ehf
(Secure Net)
kt: 670224-0740 [Certificate]
VAT ID: 152122
Suðurhraun 10, 2nd floor.
210 Garðabær Iceland
General Information: info@oruggtnet.is
Sales Team: sales@oruggtnet.is
Support: support@oruggtnet.is
Accounting: bokhald@oruggtnet.is
Website: webmaster@oruggtnet.is
InfoSecHelp LLC
WA UBI: 604 502 651 001 0001
FEIN: 84-2787519
1037 NE 65TH ST UNIT 80031
See their website for other contact